Thursday, September 9, 2021


 AS Level Film Studies 

Production brief 

Learners are required to create an individual production consisting of: 

EITHER (i) an extract from a fictional film focusing on narrative construction of between 2½ and 3½ minutes based on one of the following: 

• the closing sequence • a sequence which utilises parallel editing • a sequence with distinct genre codes • a sequence which introduces the protagonist 

OR (ii) an extract from a screenplay for a fictional film focusing on narrative construction of between 1200 and 1400 words based on one of the following

: • the closing sequence • a sequence which uses parallel stories • a sequence with distinct genre codes • a sequence which introduces the protagonist 


The screenplay must be accompanied by a digitally photographed storyboard of a key section from the screenplay (approximately 1½ minutes' screen time, corresponding to approximately one and a half pages of screenplay and to approximately 15 storyboard shots).

 Evaluative analysis Learners must complete an evaluative analysis of their production of between 1000 and 1250 words. This will include reference to at least the following: 

 • aims - the intended genre, where relevant, the intended visual style and the main audience for the production 

 • cinematic influences on the narrative and visual/audio elements of the production

 • creating overall meaning - an evaluative analysis of how the production creates meanings for the spectator in relation to other professionally produced films or their screenplays. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2021



Types of film based on their content ,narrative and use of film form . Examples include  horror, scifi, crime, comedy ,biopics, drama, action , superhero.....

Genres are used to classify films for the producers and the audience and link to production budgets, franchises , use of stars and directors, where and how a film is released and how it is experienced.

Conventions are the elements of the film such as  film form , characters, narrative, setting, plot points and events that recur in certain genres and are expected by the audience e.g horror is often set at night, includes young female characters isolated and alone and contains fast-paced editing for jump scares and jarring music .

What Are Genre Conventions? (with pictures) (

Audience expectations of a film are often based on its genre conventions and suggest  the expected use of film form, narrative (events,structure and resolution ) , plot and character , mood and atmosphere.

Steve Neale on genre

Neale points out that genres evolve and change and are connected with audience pleasure.

 A mixture of repetitive and  predictable content and some  unexpected or unfamiliar  elements of is one of the main  audience pleasures in experiencing film.

Films can also be classified under subgenres  e.g  slasher horror , whodunnit crime drama, romantic comedy or hybrid genres where a film contains conventions of at least two different genres es e.g  rom zom com or comedy scifi , 


Example :   Alien v Star Wars

conventions, narrative and information




  Your production should start with a good draft version of a  screenplay for a short film of between 1200 and 1400 words which includes ...