Tuesday, August 24, 2021

NARRATIVE ( basic)



A narrative is defined by David Bordwell as ‘a chain of events in cause-effect relationship occurring in time and space’

Narrative is often confused with plot or story but although connected they are not quite the same thing.

Story and Plot

Basically , the story of a film is the basic who, what , where  summarisng the main events of the film.
The plot is the how, when  and why  which adds more detail,  and motivation.
  • How the characters are confronted with the conflicts that are thrown at them.
  • When the story takes places within the lives of the characters
  • Why the characters are confronted with the conflict and why they react the way they do.
More explanation here 

 Narrative ihow the story and plot are created and edited for the audience to experience , and how and when key information about  story and plot is revealed for the audience. This can be in a range of different ways depending on use of film form such as editing to  manipulate time and add narrative strands and  binary opposite themes , the focus on an open or closed narrative resolution  the creation of an unrestricted or restricted perspective , the  use of music and mise-en-scene for mood , cinematography to hide or reveal visual elements  to the audience ,etc. 

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